
Capital marketing to promote the rapid development and nephrite , Chinese jewelry

Related articles: capital marketing entails financial means holds a manifestation of the way, the financial capital strength and financial capital to realize the value of investments and nephrite, of any kind in the world by circulation and produce value, and is to act as a general equivalent currency in circulation, precisely because of the performance of the currency in the form of financial capital, makes it realizable speed the faster its future value is even more likely to reflect the faster the velocity of circulation and nephrite. since 2007, through the efforts of the trading center in Xinjiang and nephrite jade industry colleagues, in cooperation with the Urumqi City Commercial Bank, the first in the country to carry the of a jade mortgage business, it can be said, and nephrite financial The intervention of the capital reflects the value of its growing wealth, all the jewelry, jade jewelry varieties, is currently the only physical capital can use leverage in the financial capital to measure its value, and nephrite industry development history a qualitative leap.

Up to now, the business volume has reached about 50 million yuan, the financial capital of the intervention, not only embodies the value of investments and nephrite, revitalize and nephrite market, while greatly accelerated and nephrite realizable speed, so that the majority of jade in Xinjiang industry colleagues the first in the country to enjoy the harvest with joy brought about by the intervention of the financial capital. for marketing and nephrite insiders speaking, the use of financial capital in the field of finance and investment concepts to marketing and nephrite want the collectors to recognize as a new financial planning and nephrite collection businesses can also use the new concept and way of financial commitment to the coming years.

a fixed rate of value-added recycling sold and nephrite raw materials and jade, to achieve a win-win situation between and nephrite operators of collectors to collectors, further identify and nephrite have a very long-term investment value, and also a lot like the concept of financial capital marketing, will greatly promote the rapid development and nephrite jade wealth value must be the financial capital to achieve, so that the financial capital of the intervention is to achieve and nephrite as physical capital has the most tangible evidence of the value of the investment so that financial capital is to achieve and nephrite as physical capital investment value of tangible capital guarantee.

